Monday, June 16, 2014

Thursday, January 24, 2013

We're not rule-keepers

Many a time we look at the bible as a set of rules to be followed by us. Obeying God and spending our daily time with him is certainly important, but that doesn't mean we have to be rule-keepers. Jesus and God had a loving relationship. When we have this relationship with God, we desire to obey and follow him just like Jesus did.

When we want to understand how to love, how to humble, how to have faith, or how to set our priorities, we can always look at Jesus.

God bless

So many things I have to say

Sometimes, I would just tell you everything, everything I know but it seems that you have no time for these things. Instead, still in your world doing everything daily. But it's okay, I don't expect, but you can always read up bout me in my blog :)

Today as I woke up. Texted my colleague and she had a friend who is in hospital. This friend of hers has a nephew who is dying already. Every organ in the body is failing him. As I was bathing, a voice came to me asking me to 'offer my visitation and prayers for the family'. I told my colleague that I would like to visit the nephew and to pray for healing. Doctors has given up on him, but I still wanna believe in the miracles God has shown me. As i offered to visit, taking that step of faith, my colleague replied saying that the nephew has passed away already and that her friend appreciated it.

Feeling upset and discouraged, I still believe God is in control of everything. Just when I took that step to offer my prayers, things didn't go the way it is. I still praise God for everything. Learning and realizing that life is precious even for a second.

God bless

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Waking up today and kinda feel pretty 'geram' at how a lot of people leave ppl hanging during texting, or other kinds of messaging. We have to understand that the other party is always expecting a reply and will always give his/her time to wait for that reply because that's courtesy. But a lot of people would just either ignore or look at their phones and go 'errrr, I don't feel like replying'. Well at least just let the other person who is waiting so patiently know. It's manners and a code. If you continue to be like that, people would definitely treat u the same. :)

I've talked to a friend recently and she told me bout how her friend that she cared so much left her hanging. And I thought only girls leave ppl hanging, but guys too. Hm... worrisome. Then I told her not to expect too much. Cause if we expect too much from people, they will definitely hurt us if they don't do the things we want. So yea, don't expect.

Every hanging situation needs a closure. For those who are also in this shoe as well, maybe not the texting ones but in diff life situations, we gotta give it a closure that both parties agree to. That way, people's mind would be at peace and not care bout the unnecessary anymore. Cause things can be pretty tiring and hurtful.

So brush up on this attitude cause it will definitely be good if someone has it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Such a dreamer

I love to dream bout the impossible that sometimes it may seem to be so possible for me. But having second thoughts, It's all just a dream. But with dreams comes my actions, and with actions, it just may come true.

Was dreaming on my way to work this morning. I had much time because it started jamming once I got to the highway outside my condo. So why not dream on!~ Dreamt bout the delightful things which could happen if this..... and that.... Let's stop here. HAHA! It's pretty personal.

Reached my office and woke up to the dream I always want to happen but feeling demotivated until I read my youth leader's blog. Talking bout chasing dreams and certainly i'm back in the game. =)

Have the awesome Monday blues people
God bless

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Yea, I just let the title be the common 2013 title just so to seperate my previous post better, just having to glance through it. 

Never know wat the future holds, but I'm pretty excited bout a lot of things this year. My church just declared this year's theme to be the 'Year of Jubilee'. It's pretty amazing how a few years back, my hometown church had the same theme. It's been like that for awhile and I believe that revival will start from East to West Malaysia. Cause the themes are matching up, few years apart. May be a blessing that I noticed this.

Past few nights have been tiring man... Keep waking up in the middle of the night for 3-4 times straight. Having dreams that.... aren't sad and also not happy. Not a nightmare either. Just a dream that can wake me up each time it ended. The dream is always bout the same person but different situations. Hmmm... I really need to try some new ways to get a good sleep. I'm tired.

'Life is a beautiful song God is teaching us to play'

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blogging on a holiday

Today's the Sultan of Selangor's holiday so yea, got off day for GXM. Pretty happy that I can get a day's rest but was pretty disappointed that everyone was busy with their own plans and no one was available to accompany me to watch movies. So I'm here right now blogging with my two windows behind me wide open. My air-con still dysfunctional, blowing hot air at me. Game has been loaded. Time to play :)

I was looking at a face that I'd never forget

God bless :)