Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Butt Hurts @*#%$#!!!!

Today I spent my time riding bicycle in a park and taking pictures with Abigail and her brother. Abigail needed to finish her photography assignment so i was there to lend a helping hand. Her dad came to pick me at around 2pm and i stayed at her house playing PS2 game - Dynasty Warrior 5 with her brother while waiting for the sun to settle.

Around 4pm, we headed out to the park with bicycles.... and boy did my butt hurt. It's been a long time since i've ridden a bike. Since the day i got my car license, i stopped and sold my bicycle to someone... So yea... My butt and legs hurt but it was awesome especially i almost crashed into a tree in the park. =)

Helped Abi to take some pictures and after that, I had to take some motivation of my own to take some pictures. Here ya go

It was catching it's prey

Flight at it's best

Portrait of Abigail

Some motion testing

When September Ends

Hope you guys like my photos though it's far from perfection but every photo has a meaning behind them. Photography is Art.


  1. eeeeeeeeee loving the effects there saac ! :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and cycling sure is fun har XDDD wait for you to come back nyahaha Kuching misses ya !

  2. =) I'm always trying to improve my photography lo. Cycle till butt pain. XD Let's go cycling when i go back right? =)
