Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oi oi!!! Behind you behind you.

(From right) Alex, Kishore, Zac. Not to forget Kean Weng and Horng Yih

When i came down to KL to study, my condominium unit was empty, and i felt lonely. But now!!! I have 4 adorably insane housemates and friends from outside coming over to stay and sleep over.

So basically wat we do at night is we turn our unit into a cybercafe.
Games ranging from starcraft, dota and counterstrike.
Guess i ain't that lonely anymore huh. Everyone would shout oi!!! behind you got bad guy oi oi!!! in the middle of the night. Wonder if the neighbours heard us.

Last time when i was playing the guitar, my housemate sang along very LOUDLY until the guard came and knocked on our door. So yea... That's my nightlife most of the time in my condo.

Life is great with laughters and great buddies around you.

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