Monday, October 18, 2010

Medal of Honor 2010

This is one of those game i would spend the whole day just to finish it as soon as possible cause i love first-person shooter games such as Call of duty series and now that medal of honor has taken itself to a whole new level, i decided to buy the game and play.

It's kinda similar to Call of duty but just different settings. Unfortunately, i find some parts kinda frustrating and not as good looking as call of duty. So i give it a 6/10. But it would help me kill my time for now. I plan to finish the game soon.

I thought the poster of the game was rather unrealistic with a twist of coolness (the man standing like in crysis).

Far different from the call of duties posters which are more based on realism. Not really a good game to play, but it's always exciting to see how the story unfolds unpredictably.


  1. Haha, just read for fun lo. =) I finished the game already btw. HAHA
