Friday, October 15, 2010


Ahh yes, the title says it all. I sometimes don't get why some people always tend to complain and frustrate about their own life. They just can't see the other side of life. And so they waste their time being discouraged in everything they do.

Just open your eyes and see that if ur always being happy about ur life, u'll save urself so much time and effort. So i was being in the studio recently day till night trying hard to finish my clay model. Just finished the colour profile for my character and just started to paint today. It's been a tiring day but it's still awesome. I'll upload the picture of my artwork as soon as i get it done. Although i ain't very please with my model due to lack of creativity and unattractive colours, i still love it because all effort was put into it.

Sometimes i do envy my friends who have bright ideas where they can create cute pixar-like characters and still find suitable fitting colour profiles. I got lots of criticism from my lecturers and would strife to improve. One thing i realised about animators, we tend to go on hyper-mode when stress. We do crazy stuff. I even wanted to push my friend who was sitting on a wheel chair across the corridor and of course passing through classrooms and ppl. HAHAHAHA. Animators tend to release stress differently.

Enough of the talking, here are some progression pictures of my model. XD

Skeletal of my model
Adding clay to the skeletal
Eating clay cause of frustration

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